I know a Mam who…

So I have had a trying few weeks. Blogging is something I love, yet almost a year in and I find myself not wanting to write anything overly negative about life. Even if it is how I am feeling. This is meant to be my platform to help so I don’t know why I am watching my words.

So to help me overcome the problem I trying an experiment.  I am going to write my woes and woohoos but cushioned by the fact that some of the following are about me and some are about others.pretending_by_therealdollyfrikka

Anonymity, yet absolute truths.

Will let you know if it has the cathartic effect I desire…


I know a Mammy who…

Works fulltime but hates every minute of it.

I know a Mammy who…

Prays to Jesus each night her baby will go to sleep when waking for for the nth time.

I know a Mammy who…

Gave up her job to be a full time mother and is totally satisfied with her lot.

I know a Mammy who…

Prioritises ironed clothing over an evening on the couch and is never uncreased. 

I know a Mammy who…

Dreams of that scene in The Holiday when Kate Winslet’s character wakes in the giant bed in the Hollywood moneyed bedroom with the 100% black out blinds and decides to just roll the blinds back down and have another nap.

I know a Mammy who…

Brings her children everywhere with her and fears nothing about being outnumbered, under pressure or overwhelmed.

I know a Mammy who…

Feel strain every day and may be closer the edge than we think.

I know a Mammy who…

Has children who hug each other and love each other.

I know a Mammy who…

Never admits to feeling strain.road-sign-940644_640

I know a Mammy who…

Takes her pain out on her husband.

I know a Mammy who…

Wishes she didn’t have to use the toilet frequently.

I know a Mammy who. ..

Needs to let go and have a big night out with an even bigger morning off the next day.

I know a Mammy who…

Now realises fully how sleep could be defined as currency.

I know a Mammy who…

Fears her child will be bullied in school.

I know a Mammy who…

May need anti depressants just to get the laundry done.

I know a Mammy who…

is realising she may need too get those anti depressants just so she sees the dust and stops caring.

I know a Mammy who…

Chose to lose her friends.

I know a Mammy who…

Wants more children but is terrified.

I know a Mammy who…

Doesn’t want her child to grow up thinking men are to be waited on hand and foot.

I know a Mam who ..

Wishes her daughter had siblings.

I know a Mammy who…

Does not know how to say no.

I know a Mammy who…

Dreads sunlight as it highlights the dirt and dust.

I know a Mammy who…

Is aging physically at a rapid rate.

I know a Mam who…

Rocks designer gear and a size 8 body.

I know a Mam who…

Feels a little bit worse about themselves when in the company of that other Mam.

I know a Mammy who…

Needs a break from thinking.

I know a Mammy who. ..

Never does anything for herself.

I know a Mammy who…

Misses her old life, although loves her children. Just misses a few aspects.

I know a Mammy who…

is interfering.

I know a Mammy who…

Is nervous and fearful.

I know a Mammy who…

Needs a timeout.

So I know many Mams. We all have highs and lows. It is amazing to be a Mam and tough in equal measures. Those adorable little dotes can’t help it but sometimes we feel like coping is a hard act. We try so hard not to let them see but the acting has to cause strain elsewhere.

And it does.dad-1716160_640.jpg

46 thoughts on “I know a Mam who…

  1. Aaah, I recognise myself in a lot of these-lots that I’d say out loud, and a couple that I wouldn’t… it’s so important to recognise these negatively perceived things, that go hand in hand with being a mother. It’s really interesting that you’ve tried really hard to keep this a positive space for writing and thoughts-I always feel that a LOT of my blog is negative, and that I should really look to the positives occasionally!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think your blog is! Personality shines through and you can see it the happy side. I have written a lot of stuff in my blog that is ‘clear it out’ rants but just found I didn’t want to do it recently. I don’t know why! Thank you for your message though xx #bigpinklink

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is without fail one of the most beautiful honest pieces of writing I have read in forever and my heart goes out to you for any of the struggles that may be yours. Sending hugs and positivity to the brim xx #fortheloveofBLOG

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you do much got your kind comment. Writing it gave me a lot of headspace-I feel a lot better. Until next meltdown😨! I appreciate the hugs and positivity too, very much #fortheloveofBLOG


  3. What an interesting way to lay everything out. How did it feel sneaking yours in amongst the others? Hopefully better… I know what you mean about watching your words. Not the point of a blog is it, but still hard when you know people you are close to you are reading too x #fortheloveofblog

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The thing about motherhood is that it can somehow make mothers feel alone even when we’re all going through the same thing at the same time. I can pretty much guarantee that every mother reading this can relate to at least half of these comments, probably more. And yet we will all go our separate ways and continue our journeys through motherhood alone. We need to reach out to each other and help one another even when we feel in need of help ourselves. Maybe even because of our own need. Sorry for the late comment. #Blogstravaganza

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Orla, every Mammy should read this. I know all these Mammies too! We all know them and I’d like to think that we all want to empathise and support each other through the most challenging job in the world – parenthood!
    This has become my favourite blog post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I can’t believe I didn’t comment last time, BUT I absolutely love this. It’s actually very comforting to read as so many of these apply to me. In a twisted way, it’s nice to know that I’m not alone. I hope it was carthartic for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Orla, I think you have reached many mothers who can relate to your post. First – sending you hugs! It is a tough job, sometimes a thankless one, so it’s a good thing that love trumps over all. I’m in a stage where my kids are so easy and a delight to be around. I’m cherishing these days before the teenage years show up. Who knows? Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised. Loved this post of yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think your teenagers might surprise you! My friend in Montana was ecactly like you and worried so much about teen years after the fun of the kid years- they are all amazing friends. Almost hitch free🙂
      I wrote this a while past when I found things a bit tougher but it is easier somewhat now. I had just spoken to some friends and really wanted to share all the stories privately. The post has gotten a lot of reads. I am glad it resonated!
      Hugs back! 🙂


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