A Nomination! Best Parenting Blog.

I know, I know. I am a big clichè. But I really wasn’t expecting a nomination this year. Happy Valentine’s Day to me and all the Papers!

There you have it.

A surprise in the inbox- an email from Sacha Black. FancyPaperBlog is nominated for Best Parenting Blog at the ABBAS- Annual Bloggers Bash Awards.


I would like to thank the person who nominated Fancy Paper and I hope to find out who that was- you are very kind.

Three years blogging and no sign of wanting to stop so far- that must be a good thing. There isn’t enough time in the day to write all that I want. That must be another good thing. I just like this blogging malarkey and plan to keep it up.

I am very happy that my parenting anecdotes are enjoyed because I think my children are hilarious and clearly so should everyone else. More like my attempts at good parenting are hilarious…

Lastly, another big thank you. And a virtual drink with some love day chocolate for you all.

For those who want to know you can buy Bash tickets here…😊

Have a wonderful day! Calories don’t exist today, woohoo.



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