Mommy/ Mammy Challenge

I am updating this post to give some others a chance to try the challenge.  I hope that you enjoy it!

I have been challenged to post three images that celebrate motherhood and what it means to me. This is definitely helping with my exercise in happiness!

Thank you to katystuff I am privileged to be nominated!

Challenge Accepted!

Let me first say I could wax lyrical all day talking about my babies. I must remember that the elements I don’t mention are not because they mean less. It is just difficult to pick! !

Image one



My first image is of a gift from a friend for our marriage. l love this wooden heart. The gifter was a student teacher that I tried to help in her time here. It is aesthetically pleasing,naturally beautiful and it represents what being a Mother is to me very purely. All encompassing, unconditional  love. My love for these children is so inexplicable  in its power that representing it with a large symbol hanging over the kitchen door is by no means hyperbolic. In fact it should be much, much larger.

Image Two!


Reading is my life’s pleasure. I am privileged to have a passion for books and a gift for language. Little Gigi has been exposed to books from birth and the set in this image are still centre of her day. I refuse to tidy them up and place them away as old Xmas decorations as they bring us such joy. Gigi gives one to everybody in the room, including Baby Betsy and brings reading into our day. It is wonderful to me to be able to share reading with my girls and see them get enjoyment from it.

Image three


This simple wooden music toy is innocent and natural. The purity and grace of children is what makes my day worth living. When I feel like raising babies is trying to knit with playdoh their wide innocent stare or their absolute dependence in your arms is so beautiful and absolutely devoid of anything malevolent. This toy was from Santa to Gigi. Every child that enters my home (there are a lot , we are a far reaching family! ) plays with this toy the most, bypassing the branded dolls and the impossible to assemble kitchens etc. It shows me that simplicity and innocence are so attractive and more beautiful than any created faux beauty. The most wonderful part of motherhood for me.

I must now nominate other wonderful Mums for this cathartic, fun challenge!  I am very new in the blogging world so I hope that others will take it upon themselves to do the same!

kymmycakes  and Krista

dearlilyjune dearlilyjune

Theclothesline Theclothesline

Relish being a Mum!









2 thoughts on “Mommy/ Mammy Challenge

  1. I’m so glad for your post! This actually didn’t link me and I’m not sure it linked your other Blog-friends either. You need to add a link to each site onto the post for it to work, it should be on your tool bar when you type/edit the post. No worries! we are all learning 🙂 I’m glad you are having fun with the toys and tots in your life.


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