Five reasons to be happy today

Ever feel like you don’t count your blessings? I do. Feel like I have blessings, I mean, but often don’t count them.

As this whole blog is meant to be An exercise in happiness: An Irish parent’s project, today I will write about that. Today is about the blessings.

Five reasons to be happy today!

I would like to invite  you to do the same…should you wish!

  1. Betsy. My first reason to smile today is because my second born is passing a huge milestone. Betsy is happy in the crèche. Betsy is my beautiful, smart, chuckling cherub, only eight months in this world and taking it over day by day with her charm. She started her induction this week as she will join the big crèche with her sister at the end of August when I return to teaching. Gigi found settling very tough but I am happy to say that Betsy is enjoying her time, largely due to a proud sister who has been acting as her protector and bodyguard!  It is a weight off.bitmoji-20160713065506
  2. Weight Watchers. I am sticking like glue to these classes as I find them vital to my losses. The people are enthusiastic. Lively. Honest. I always leave wanting to do better next week. I am on the no count programme (hate new smartpoints programme) and I  think it is a million times better. I will wear the dress again! bitmoji-20160712080044.png
  3. Success. Mr Paper is doing magic without cigarettes. It has been so hard for him to quit and I am desperately proud of him to keep fighting. I know he can do it this time. It is brilliant.

    No sinking here…all swimming!
  4. London Baby! It is official.  I am travelling with an old college friend to meet another old college friend in Finchley, London…this weekend no less. We will have time to catch up and have fun in London town. I can’t wait because I can relax about the trip finally. I can relax because I know the babies will be fine with their dad and nannas.

    Feed the birds…tuppence a bag.
  5. Shiny, happy people. Really, I mean healthy, happy family but who can resist dropping an R.E.M song title when appropriate? We are all doing well. Eggshells!we can deal with. Why is Everyone Crying? Not so easy. Thank God but recently we have slightly less crying. The evil teeth or whatever gremlin is causing her tears is hibernating and we can enjoy life again. tourism-1213802_640.jpg

Have you five reasons to be happy today?  I find sometimes they are hard to feel when the day is difficult. Today I can see the sun.bitmoji-20160713114315.png

9 thoughts on “Five reasons to be happy today

  1. I love five reasons to be happy! Here’s mine: I saw a daddy walking his toddler down the street, holding his little son’s hand ever so gently. My mom hugged me so tight it brought tears to my eyes. I had pancakes for breakfast! I slept amazing last night. And finally, the sun is shining bright.
    Thanks for the opportunity to reflect on a day of goodness.

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