Are you Madame Gazelle?

Gigi and I have conversations now. We argue. We talk. We make deals.minions-363019_640.jpg

These are the dialogues I can only have with a two year old. One sided (for both of us) at times. Possibly ambiguous. Inarticulate. Irrational. Surprisingly and wonderfully rational (on occasion). Magical? Always. Even the rows!

Today we went to crèche. Morning runs are chaotic and nerve wracking as I dread leaving behind something important. Worry about the drop off. Betsy had tears each morning until recently. Can be harrowing for a Mam. Busy. Always, always busy.

Gigi has been emotional these last mornings and tired.  The week’s ‘work’ is wrecking her out. I feel guilty.  It is all part of it.

We pulled in through the green five bar gate. Drizzle outdoors.  I turned around and smiled at the girls. I always do to help them be comfortable.

‘Are you going to work Mammy?.

‘ Yes Gigi. To school’.

‘ No Mammy. I GO TO school. Not you.’

‘Of course. I am teacher though. I work at a school.’

‘You are a teacher Mammy? You are a teacher?’.

I can see her work her 2 1/2 year old mind around it.

‘Are you Madam Gazelle Mammy?’.

‘Just like Madam Gazelle baby’.

Gigi beamed.

We had talked. She thought about my ‘other’ life. She liked it.

These chats may seem like so little to others. For us it is amazing. We are crossing the border. Transitioning. We know the language. We are able to communicate. Everyday is special.

I had left the baby’s bag of formula and bottles at home. It got solved. We had survived. Gigi went indoors smiling, thinking about her Mammy teaching maybe.teachers-day-1636605_640.jpg

35 thoughts on “Are you Madame Gazelle?

  1. What a wonderful conversation! I can still remember first conversations with my eldest, (not there with the smallest yet!) and it’s so very special when you can see your communication going to the next level, and some very clear development from them!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah this is a lovely post, and a great moment to capture. It’s lovely to see hear her little mind ticking through and working it out. I hope you had a lovely day that day. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so cute! I can imagine her mind now thinking about your other life!

    You have a beautiful way of capturing these sweet moments.


  4. Aah lovely! I love how their young minds try and understand things in ways that fit into their little world. If you’re Madam Gazelle, I’m possibly Daddy Pig haha.


  5. Oh, Orla this post made me smile and nearly brought tears to my eyes, yes I must be missing our younger nieces and remembering my past conversations with them. You are indeed blessed 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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